Unity & Humility - Adrian Semerene

In this episode we're talking with Adrian Semerene who started his church leadership as Youth Pastor at Comberton Baptist Church, while completing a BA in Theology at the London School of Theology. In 2016 he followed a call to join Gamlingay Baptist Church where he was Inducted and ordained to be Lead Pastor. Married to Amanda, Adrian has three amazing children and loves coffee, beatboxing and basketball.

In Francis Chan's synopsis of his own book "Until Unity", he writes that "Despite what many in the church say, doctrine is not at the root of most division. The main problem is the shallowness or non-existence of our love for each other, which comes from a shallowness in our understanding of the gospel."  Adrian gives a big Amen to this but goes a little further - that we all need a big dose of humility if we are to encourage unity.

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Unity & Humility - Adrian Semerene
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